Less than 80 years ago employers were providing housing for their workforce. Bonner Community Housing Agency (BCHA) recognizes housing remains one of your biggest concerns and opportunities. BCHA, a local non-profit, is pleased to offer information about home ownership.
What: Town Hall Meeting
When: Tuesday July 28 6-8pm
Where: Sandpoint Community Hall on First Ave.
There are limitless misconceptions about home ownership, availability of quality affordable homes, financial requirements and the like. Tuesday’s meeting will be a myth-busters format of sorts.
BCHA will have a team of people available to introduce you to many aspects of home ownership and information about Finally Home! - a class that could help you qualify for a USDA zero percent interest home loan.
BCHA has partnered with Seven Sisters to provide affordable housing in Bonner County. Seven Sisters will be offering quality homes in the $144,327-$176,300 range in a mixed use development that will include homes of all price ranges. Seven Sisters is a beautiful development off Highway 200, located near businesses and Kootenai School.
Homeownership is one of the building blocks to our community and our families.
The Sunday edition of the Bonner County Daily Bee provides more information on this partnership, development and the Town Hall. See: http://www.bonnercountydailybee.com/articles/2009/07/26/news/doc4a6bc14129da4168224273.txt