Friday, July 12, 2013

The Word is….Networking

by Kate McAlister, President/CEO
Networking (n) – The exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions.

Whenever the Chamber puts out a survey asking our membership what they would like to see more of, we always hear ‘Networking’.  Which we offer at least three opportunities a month with the Women In Business lunch the first Tuesday of the month, our General Membership Luncheon the second Thursday of the month,  and our 5:01 Business After Hours the last Wednesday of every month, hosted each month by a different Chamber member business. In addition to these regularly scheduled opportunities we also have events throughout the year also offering networking opportunities through volunteering and attendance.

Beyond the items identified above, there are a multitude of FREE opportunities throughout your day and week to informally network with others.  Every time you are anywhere, it’s an opportunity to tell people about your business. Informal networking includes friends from a former job, people you meet when recreating, volunteering and community events.

You can also join networking groups online like LinkedIn, where you can connect or link your business and personal contacts as well as join a group specific to your business and interests. In writing this article I went to Google search and typed in “online networking groups”, the Google machine came back with, and I’m not kidding, 129 million results. Now that’s a lot of networking.  Some groups required a fee to join, but most were free and out of 129 million results I’m sure there is something for everyone.

If you don’t know where to start, or you are a little shy, you can follow Dale Carnegie’s basic rules for networking:

  • Smile – be approachable.  If you walk round always looking serious and scowling, no one will want to talk to you.  Be friendly, people like to talk to friendly people.  Say ‘good morning’ when you meet someone on the street or at a restaurant or  while attending a community event.
  • Ask a question – Think of a question of interest and pose it to the group. It will start a conversation and you never know what the outcome will be.
  • Listen - This is often the most difficult lesson since we all like to hear ourselves talk about what we want to talk about.  If you can actively listen and get others to discuss their experiences and opinions you will be amazed at what you might learn about business and even yourself.
  • Business Cards – Always, always, always carry your business cards.  You never know when you might need them.  Have your 30 second commercial ready to go.  How do you expect others to understand what you do if you can’t articulate it in a concise manner?  See yourself.
  • Remember and say the person’s name – People like to hear their own name.  When you meet someone, use their name, maybe several times during the conversation.  It makes the other person feel more comfortable and willing to share information if you attempt to get to know them.

With all these opportunities available to Network, you will make strong connections wherever you go. 

See you at Farmin Park on June 27th for Sandpoint’s kickoff to summer, the Summer Sampler.  Let’s Network!